Blanket Stories: Talking Stick, Works Progress, Steward

A site-specific installation commissioned by Curator Faith Brower and the High Desert Museum in Bend, Oregon

This Scotty Dog quilt was made for me when I was too young to remember by my 4’ 9” grandmother. She was a caring and very tough lady of German descent and as (unproven) legend tells it, possibly also of Ute descent. She gave birth to 8 children; the 7th one was my mother. She outlived 6 of her children plus my grandfather, who passed away before I was born. My Grandmother Daisy disowned her priest when he saw a Bible on her dining table and told her she was not to read it without his interpretation.

She turned Episcopalian after she told that priest to never come back to her home. The Scottie Dog quilt, even though made with love, I like to think could have been in protest against control. She was very independent and did what she believed.