Blanket Stories: Talking Stick, Works Progress, Steward

A site-specific installation commissioned by Curator Faith Brower and the High Desert Museum in Bend, Oregon

Betty Hale
Terrebonne, OR
Arts, Handmade, Sisters

My sister was a collector of folk art – she and her husband were in the antique (swap meet) business. In their later years, my sister, June Davis, would find – to her – treasured art that was the expression or necessary items for everyday life.

This blanket from somewhere in the south, and was one of her treasures. She was sure it was made to be used for warmth. She noted that a sewing machine was used – and put together over with hand stitches –

I’ve had it since 2002 – I saw information about your upcoming exhibit and so am passing it on to you – now I don’t have to worry – it is in an artist’s hands – and I know how proud my sister would be to know how her treasured find will be used.